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Beginning Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js
Course Overview (1:53)
Our Approach (2:39)
Course - Code of Conduct
Week 1 - Welcome to Machine Learning
Week 1 - Overview (1:16)
The Parts - Part 0 (1:44)
The Parts - Part 1 (2:16)
Machine Learning Models (6:16)
Machine Learning Model Quiz
Machine Learning Tensors (2:36)
Machine Learning Tensors Quiz
TensorFlow.js First Contact (12:27)
TensorFlow.js Quiz
Real World Splashdown (4:20)
Welcome to Machine Learning Homework
Welcome to Machine Learning Homework Solution
Week 1 - FAQ
BONUS: face-api.js
Week 2 - Tensor Acrobatics
Week 2 - Overview (1:22)
A Tour of (5:03)
Meet the Tensor (7:01)
Image Tensor Basics (19:59)
Image to Tensor and Back (7:37)
Intermediate Tensor Manipulation (11:04)
OLD TV Fun Tensor Challenge - Exercise
First Tensors Quiz
Playing with Dogs-N-Cats (14:15)
Advanced Tensor Manipulation (28:38)
Trashy Tensors (8:34)
Second Tensor Quiz
Playground Homework
Playground Homework Solution
Sandbox Homework
Sandbox Homework Solution
Week 2 - FAQ
BONUS: Color Blind Tensors (9:08)
BONUS: TensorFlow.js Cheat Sheet!
Week 3 - Using TensorFlow.js
Week 3 - Overview (1:15)
The Rock Paper Scissors Tour (13:04)
FizzBuzz - Consuming Models (31:20)
The Zoo (10:27)
Converting Models (11:16)
Training in Browser - Introduction (23:43)
FizzBuzz - Training In Browser (27:12)
A Tour through Neural Networks (20:10)
Intermediate Tensor Quiz
Convolutions and Max Pooling Images (15:30)
Training in Browser - Deep Dive (30:44)
Using TensorFlow.js Quiz
TFJS Vis - Homework
Week 3 - FAQ
Beginning Machine Learning with TFJS Final
Thank You from Infinite Red (0:19)
What Next?
Student Hall of Fame
Second Tensor Quiz
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